RingZer0 JavaScript Challenges level 4,5 work through.....

RingZer0 Challengers

Challenge JavaScript:

Level 04

Why not?

·         First we have to go to source code and  Looking at the page code source, we can find weak JavaScript like following.

·         We can see the username must be equal to the administrator. only seeing the source code we can identify the username.

·         Then we have to find the password. In this password must, for each character, satisfy the condition like bellow.

u.charCodeAt(i) + p.charCodeAt(i) + i * 10 == k[i]

·         The password can take using that equation.

·         Then we can find password as OhLord4309111 now we can log that level. Using the administrator user name and this password.
·         Then we can get the flag.

Level 05

·         Valid Key required.
·         In this level, we have to find a key so we can go to the source code. Looking at the page source code we find the following script.

·         Looking at this code we can assume the key shape should be****-****-****-****-****.
·         By trying the following value,abcd-efgh-ijkl-mnop-qrst we end up with the condition.
·         Using the following code we can get the key.

·         The key is  ABGH-3jeK-LM2j-pL2J-8r1T. Using this key we can get the flag.



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