How to hack windows 2000 using nessus.....

What is nessus?

Nessus is a propriety vulnerability scanner developed by tenable network. It is free of charge for personal use in a non-enterprise environment.

We use kali Os to hacking windows server, to testing vulnerabilities .

  • ·         In Linux we have to search both Os are in the same network. And search the ip address of each systems.

      ·         To windows :Open the terminal and type “ipconfig” 


  • ·        To Linux : Open terminal and type     “ifconfig” 

  • ·         Ten now we have both ip addresses. Using ping command can check the connection between        each        other.

                                    Ex: ping

  • ·         Then both are connected we can start the nessus and can find the vulnerabilities.

·                                      Using “service nessus start “ command we can start the nessus.  


  •                      After we have to login nessus using a browser.
·                                               https//: to access the nessus home page.


  • ·                         So we have to login nessus

                             Uname : root
                              Pw        : toor

  • ·         Go to scan template and click sacan. They provide this kind of interface.

·                                In the target box we have to type victim’s ip address and scan it.


  • ·         After scanning we can get full reports about vulnerabilities. It’s describe all the types


  •    Here is the scan result says in the host summery
                                     Critical  - 22%
                                     High      - 6%
                                     Medium – 13%
                                     Low        - 2%

                                     Others       - 63%



  • ·         There are many types of vulnerabilities we can easily exploit critical vulnerabilities.
  • ·         In this case so many critical vulnerabilities.

  • ·         We can choose on and exploit it.

  • ·         I selected 2nd one in this case.

                ·         It’s about the mft IIS 5.0 http printer requeat.



  •          Now we can exploit the vulnerability against the windows 2000

  • ·         Using metasploit framework we can exploit the vulnerability.
  • ·         To start metasploit and open the terminal, start by installing the data base and the webserver.
  • ·         And also we have to start apache and postgresql server.
  •  ·         Using thise commands.

                                         Service apache2 start

                                          Servise postgresql start

  •       Use search command to find vulnerability access path.


  • ·         Now you have to type Search ms01.023 this command to find the location of the exploit to take advantage of the MS01.023 CVE 20014-1080 we found earlier.

  •      Write the user and the RHOST command we can get above image.
  •      After finally  we can exploit the command to our pc to victims pc.



  • ·         After exploiting we can work in victims pc using our commands.


  • ·         We  can find the password in the victim’s pc using hushdump command.


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