About Email Policy

ABC (Private) Limited
July 30,2017

ABC Company Email Policy

1.      Overview and purpose of the policy

The purpose of this policy is to make sure that the proper use of ABC Company’s email system and guide employees aware of what instruction they need to follow within the email system. Also, avoid breaching Company’s confidential data through email system in Company. This policy also provides legal actions in case of violations of the policy.

2.      Applicability

This policy applies to all the company employees who have access to the company’s email system.
·         Full-time employees
·         Part-time employees
·         Independent contractors
·         Interns
·         Consultants
The parties mentioned in here are responsible for all the actions they performed on email service system at any place they use service.
3.      Policy

3.1  All email accounts are the property of the company and company have all the right view, modify and remove any particular email accounts.
3.2  Company has the right to keep a record and read any emails belongs to users of an email system.
3.3  The Company email system is only allowing to use for the Company’s business purposes.
3.4  The users may use the Company’s email system for personal use if and only they have top security clearance.
3.5  All the emails sent through Company’s email system must use Company name.
3.6  Content of the email should be ethical and safe.
3.7  Before attaching any document related or belongs to Company get security clearance from IT department.
3.8  Any unsuspicious emails received via Company email system should report to the IT department.
3.9  Employees have no expectation of privacy in anything they store, send or receive via Company’s email system.
3.10             All the emails send and receive through Company’s email system is monitor by IT department.
3.11             The following acts are unacceptable use of the email system,
·         Use of the Company’s email system for personal business.
·         Use of the Company’s email system for send chain letters.
·         Use of the Company’s email system for forwarding company’s confidential data.
·         of the Company’s email system for store personal images, files or documents.
3.12             Avoid sending any confidential information of the Company or the employees in emails unless authorized to do so.

Confidential information includes,
·         Client lists
·         Social security numbers
·         Company passwords
·         Trade secrets
·         Company’s warehouse locations
·         Employee details

4.      Violation and Sanctions
If an employee is found to violate any of this email policy rules, the management could take disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
If the violations are related to information breaches of the Company, The Company take relevant action against the responsible parties according to the country’s legal system.
If an employee witnesses any violations of the Company’s email system, he/she is required to report the incident immediately to the IT department by any means.
5.      Amendment of Policy

The Company reserves the rights to amend this policy at its discretion. In case of such scenarios employees will be informed appropriately.

6.      Revision History

ABC Company email policy updated by IT department on July, 30th of 2017


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