Protecting Employee Data in a Global Corporation

Questions and Answers in case discussion

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Question 03
a.  Why protecting employee data in global corporation important?

In every organization have their own employee database and they maintain their database. The take many actions to protect their databases. The reason of it the database contains employees private data such as email address, salary, phone numbers ect. So every organization maintain their employee data in securely manner. They have responsible for protect their employees privacy.

Governments are create some lows to protect personal data.
Sometimes loose the privacy of data may be cause to financial loss.

b.    Should a corporation which only has employees in the worried   about the EU’s Data Protection Directive? Why or Why not?


The organization pay attention about they own employees if the corporation has US employee only no need to worried about EU lows. They can protect their sensitive data in US rules and laws.

c.  Give an example of a scenario where employee data is lost motion.

Today every organization is connect in to the internet and they share information using social networks, email, webmail, file transfers throughout the internet. Using these waye data can be lost someone can stole the data .
Example: About Heartland Payment System Cyber Attack

Security through improved information sharing & security of intransigent. The data breach at heartland is very costly for the company. It lost 50 percent of its market capitalization 2009.
It had more than $32 legal fees, forensic costs, reserves for potential card brand fines On August 13, 2009, the Payment Cards Center hosted a workshop examining the changing nature of data security in consumer electronic payments.
The center invited the chairman and CEO of Heartland Payment Systems, Robert Carr, to lead this discussion & to share his experiences stemming from the data breach at his company in late 2008 and, as important, to discuss lessons learned as a result of this event.
Carr acknowledged that Heartland is working within the confines of the merchant acquiring and processing environment to address data, and other related settlement costs.

d.  What are the common techniques for global protection of employee data?

·         Model contract
·         BCR – binding corporate rules
·         Safe harbor framework
·         Data security framework
·         Insider threats data protection
·         Adequate level of protection

e.  How can a corporation be affected by the improper handling of     employee data

If an organization can’t handle their data in securely or proper manner it may be cause of worst effect. Every corporation have responsible to protect availability, integrity, confidentiality of employee data. That data only can access legitimate users they have to prevent the unauthorized ace. If unauthorized people get access the data the can modify, delete or steel the data. I may be cause of financial loss.

Employee has sensitive data and public data. Sensitive data mean Bank details, credit card details, emails ect. Public details means name, age, address education level ect. If employee sensitive detail may leak I may be high issue of employee. So it better to have two separate  maintain  methods to sensitive and publicdata.

What could shell do differently to better protect their employee information from future disclosure leaks?
·         Give more security sensitive data.
·         Give data access permission to legitimate users.
·         In transferring data use proper encryption algorithms.
·         Accept the country laws and policies

f.      Even though HP is known for its dedication to protecting employee data and preventing mishaps, what potential threats remain? What would you do to mitigate the risk?

·         Follow the country Rules and laws to protect employee data.
·         Give high priority to protect employee sensitive data.

v References

Ø  Provided case study document.
Ø  About Heartland Payment System Cyber Attack


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