
Showing posts from September, 2018

About Email Policy

ABC (Private) Limited July 30,2017 ABC Company Email Policy 1.       Overview and purpose of the policy The purpose of this policy is to make sure that the proper use of ABC Company’s email system and guide employees aware of what instruction they need to follow within the email system. Also, avoid breaching Company’s confidential data through email system in Company. This policy also provides legal actions in case of violations of the policy. 2.       Applicability This policy applies to all the company employees who have access to the company’s email system. ·          Full-time employees ·          Part-time employees ·          Independent contractors ·          Interns ·          Consultants The par...

RingZer0 JavaScript Challenges level 4,5 work through.....

RingZer0 Challengers Challenge JavaScript: Level 04 Why not? ·          First we have to go to source code and  Looking at the page code source, we can find weak JavaScript like following. ·          We can see the username must be equal to the administrator. only seeing the source code we can identify the username. ·          Then we have to find the password. In this password must, for each character, satisfy the condition like bellow. u. charCodeAt (i) + p. charCodeAt (i) + i * 10 == k[i] ·          The password can take using that equation. ·          Then we can find password as OhLord4309111 now we can log that level. Using the administrator user name and this password. ·     ...